Motorized curtains

Motorized window coverings are suitable for those who value comfort and simplicity. We offer motorized solutions for blinds, pleated curtains, lamella curtains, roller blinds, strip curtains, London curtains and also rails with a day or side curtain.

The engines we offer (Somfy, Forest, Coulisse, etc.) are reliable, operate very quietly and because of their small dimensions they remain invisible to the eye. Some solutions are integrated into the mechanisms as well.

There are both battery and cable motors in the selection. For control, we offer remote controls, switches, and you can also use an app or a smart home system.

Why choose motorized curtains?

  • Comfortable and easy to use – no cords, the ability to move heavy curtains effortlessly
  • Private and secure
  • Accessibility – control regardless of window size, location, number of windows
  • Practical and time-saving
  • Luxury – favorite position; setting by time, light, temperature
  • Curtain usage time is extended
  • Adjusts room temperature (with light sensor)

    Kerli Linna

    “Harmtex kardinasalongi teenindus oli ikka super! Nii tore on kui tegija tõesti kaasa mõtleb, et leida just see kõige parem ja sobivam lahendus. Kiidan ja soovitan julgelt!”

    Kati Rahnel

    “Kiire, professionaalne teenindus. Kadi on sõbralik ja teeb enda poolt kõik, et leiaksid sobivad kardinad. Tõeline pärl Pärnu sisustuskaupade turul!”

    Liis Karpov

    “Väga hea kvaliteet, suurepärane teenindus!”

    Kadri Kruusmägi

    “Super suur aitäh kaunite kardinate eest. Väga rahul!”

    Kristiine Rondo

    “Väga rahul. Teavad mida teevad ja teevad hästi. Soovitan!”

    Erika Nuuma

    “Suur tänu ilusate kardinate eest HarmTex kardinasalongi nobenäppudele!

    Meeldiv koostöö ja hea kanga valik.”


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